Meghana Sankar Photo
  • Bio

Meghana Sankar

Legal Assistant

Meghana Sankar is an aspiring law student and our legal assistant. An alum of the University of Texas at Dallas, Sankar is excited to get her start in the legal field by working with us. Sankar was born in America but then whisked off to India at age 5, where she was raised till she moved to Houston in her teens. Her passion for discovering her dream career has been a long one. Getting her start in pre-medicine, Sankar is comfortable with the rigor and patience good work takes. But whilst the medical field isn’t where her heart lies, the skills and insight she learned from her time are incredibly valuable. A psychology major, Sankar is well aware of the gentle touch required to handle our clients who are already going through a stressful time. With her quiet yet polite demeanor and ability to spark conversation with anyone, she hopes to make our clients days just a bit easier. Meghana has spent her educational career finding the best way to give back to her community. She has found that the best way to do that for her is the written word and with that the legal field. Passionate and driven, striving to further her career in every way she can. She is a current student of the SMU Paralegal Certificate program where she has gained valuable knowledge that has made her a valuable asset to our family.

When she’s not in class or at work you can find her with her nose in a book, watching crime procedurals dramas, and attempting various arts and crafts.